

Joint analysis of f0 and speech rate with Functional Data Analysis

13 years 4 months ago
Joint analysis of f0 and speech rate with Functional Data Analysis
In this work we propose the use of Functional Data Analysis (FDA) as a powerful methodology to tackle problems where multiple continuous speech parameters have to be analyzed jointly. A production study on contrastive focus placement in Neapolitan Italian is used as illustration. Two features are analyzed, viz. f0 and relative speech rate, both expressed as continuous functions of time. The results show that known facts about the prosody of Neapolitan Italian emerge from the data, but also other interesting local or crossfeature relationships between contour traits appear. Thus, FDA results can be used as guidance in the exploration of speech feature contour shapes, an operation that used to be carried out manually in previous speech research. The capability of jointly analyzing multiple continuous features provides a valuable improvement not only for speech analysis but also for speech re-synthesis.
Michele Gubian, Lou Boves, Francesco Cangemi
Added 20 Aug 2011
Updated 20 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Michele Gubian, Lou Boves, Francesco Cangemi
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