

Joystick mapped Augmented Reality Cues for End-Effector controlled Tele-operated Robots

14 years 6 months ago
Joystick mapped Augmented Reality Cues for End-Effector controlled Tele-operated Robots
End-effector control of robots using just remote camera views is difficult due to lack of perceived correspondence between the joysticks and the end-effector coordinate frame. This paper reports the positive effects of Augmented Reality visual cues on operator performance during end-effector controlled teleoperation using only camera views. Our solution is to overlay a color-coded coordinate system on the end-effector of the robot using AR techniques. This mapped and color-coded coordinate system is then directly mapped to similarly color-coded joysticks used for control of both position and orientation. The AR view along with mapped markings on the joystick give the user a clear notion of the effect of their joystick movements on the endeffector of the robot. All camera views display this registered dynamic overlay information on-demand. A preliminary test using fifteen subjects comparing control of performance with and without the coordinate mapping was performed by using a simple i...
Aditya Nawab, Keshav Chintamani, R. Darin Ellis, G
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VR
Authors Aditya Nawab, Keshav Chintamani, R. Darin Ellis, Gregory Auner, Abhilash Pandya
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