

Just What Could Possibly Go Wrong In B2B Integration?

14 years 7 months ago
Just What Could Possibly Go Wrong In B2B Integration?
One important trend in enterprise-scale IT has been the increasing use of business-to-business integration (B2Bi) technologies to automate business processes that cross organisational boundaries, such as the interactions between partner companies along the supply chain. It is relatively easy to describe a pattern of interaction, or choreography, in the case where everything proceeds smoothly. However, the abnormal cases, such as where a process fails or a message is lost, are much more complicated, and risk introducing data and process inconsistencies into computer-based systems. Current B2Bi technologies do not supply an infrastructure that can provide reliability without considerable sophistication from the architects and developers, since performance and organisational autonomy rule out using traditional ACID transactions which ensure consistent data in OLTP systems. As a first step towards guiding architects to the design of B2Bi systems that maintain consistency despite failures,...
Dean Kuo, Alan Fekete, Paul Greenfield, Julian Jan
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Dean Kuo, Alan Fekete, Paul Greenfield, Julian Jang, Doug Palmer
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