

JWASP: A New Java-Based ASP Solver

8 years 10 months ago
JWASP: A New Java-Based ASP Solver
Abstract. Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-known declarative programming language for knowledge representation and non-monotonic reasoning. ASP solvers are usually written in C/C++ with the aim of extremely optimizing their performance. Indeed, C/C++ allow for several low level optimizations, which however come at the price of a less portable implementation. This is a problem for some real world use cases which do not actually require an extremely efficient computation, but would benefit from a platform-independent and easilydeployable implementation. Motivated by such use cases, we develop JWASP, a new ASP solver written in Java and extending the open source library SAT4J in order to process ASP programs with atomic heads. We also report on a preliminary experiment assessing the performance of JWASP, whose results are encouraging: JWASP is a good candidate as an alternative ASP solver for platform-independent applications, which cannot rely on current ASP solvers.
Mario Alviano, Carmine Dodaro, Francesco Ricca
Added 14 Apr 2016
Updated 14 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AIIA
Authors Mario Alviano, Carmine Dodaro, Francesco Ricca
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