

KeLP: a Kernel-based Learning Platform for Natural Language Processing

8 years 10 months ago
KeLP: a Kernel-based Learning Platform for Natural Language Processing
Kernel-based learning algorithms have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art results in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. We present KELP, a Java framework that supports the implementation of both kernel-based learning algorithms and kernel functions over generic data representation, e.g. vectorial data or discrete structures. The framework has been designed to decouple kernel functions and learning algorithms: once a new kernel function has been implemented it can be adopted in all the available kernelmachine algorithms. The platform includes different Online and Batch Learning algorithms for Classification, Regression and Clustering, as well as several Kernel functions, ranging from vector-based to structural kernels. This paper will show the main aspects of the framework by applying it to different NLP tasks.
Simone Filice, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce,
Added 13 Apr 2016
Updated 13 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where ACL
Authors Simone Filice, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili
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