

Kernel functions for case-based planning

14 years 17 days ago
Kernel functions for case-based planning
Case-based planning can take advantage of former problem-solving experiences by storing in a plan library previously generated plans that can be reused to solve similar planning problems in the future. Although comparative worst-case complexity analyses of plan generation and reuse techniques reveal that it is not possible to achieve provable efficiency gain of reuse over generation, we show that the case-based planning approach can be an effective alternative to plan generation when similar reuse candidates can be chosen. In this paper we describe an innovative case-based planning system, called OAKPLAN, which can efficiently retrieve planning cases from plan libraries containing more than ten thousand cases, choose heuristically a suitable candidate and adapt it to provide a good quality solution plan which is similar to the one retrieved from the case library. Given a planning problem we encode it as a compact graph structure, that we call Planning Encoding Graph, which gives us a ...
Ivan Serina
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where AI
Authors Ivan Serina
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