

Kernelization for Convex Recoloring

14 years 3 months ago
Kernelization for Convex Recoloring
The Convex Recoloring (CR) problem measures how far a tree of characters differs from exhibiting a so-called "perfect phylogeny". For input consisting of a vertex-colored tree T, the problem is to determine whether recoloring at most k vertices can achieve a convex coloring, meaning by this a coloring where each color class induces a connected subtree. The problem was introduced by Moran and Snir, who showed that CR is NP-hard, and described a search-tree based FPT algorithm with a running time of O(k(k/ log k)k n4 ). The Moran and Snir result did not provide any nontrivial kernelization. Subsequently, a kernelization with a large polynomial bound was established. Here we give the strongest FPT results to date on this problem: (1) We show that in polynomial time, a problem kernel of size O(k2 ) can be obtained, and (2) We prove that the problem can be solved in linear time for fixed k. The technique used to establish the second result appears to be of general interest and app...
Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A.
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ACID
Authors Hans L. Bodlaender, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Mark A. Ragan, Frances A. Rosamond, Mark Weyer
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