For several years wehave been pursuing a vision of knowledgeon demand,the ability for all users to access knowledgeregardlessof time, location, deviceor level of expertise. This paper overviewsthe central role human languagetechnologycan play in several areasof knowledge ondemand.After motivatingthe importanceof this area, we describe several implementedexamplesof humanlanguage technology applied to knowledgemanagementfunctions includingdiscoveryof knowledgeanddiscoveryof experts. Knowledge on Demand Ourvision for Knowledgeon Demandis the ability of all users to access tailored knowledgesources and services regardless of time, location, interactive device or level of expertise. As shownin Figure 1, this fits within a larger context and process of knowledge management. The process of managingknowledgeincludes, but is not limited to, the demandfor, creation or discoveryof, and delivery of pre-existing or newknowledge. Important enabling tasks include discoveryof explicit knowledge(e.g.,...
Mark T. Maybury