

Labelfaces: Parsing facial features by multiclass labeling with an epitome prior

14 years 19 days ago
Labelfaces: Parsing facial features by multiclass labeling with an epitome prior
We consider the problem of parsing facial features from an image labeling perspective. We learn a per-pixel unary classifier, and a prior over expected label configurations, allowing us to estimate a dense labeling of facial images by part (e.g. hair, mouth, moustache, hat). This approach deals naturally with large variations in shape and appearance characteristic of unconstrained facial images, and also the problem of detecting classes that may be present or absent. We use an Adaboost-based unary classifier, and develop a group of priors based on `epitomes' which are shown to be particularly effective in capturing the non-stationary aspects of face label distributions.
Jonathan Warrell, Simon J. D. Prince
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICIP
Authors Jonathan Warrell, Simon J. D. Prince
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