

The LabFlow System for Workflow Management in Large Scale Biology Research Laboratories

14 years 1 months ago
The LabFlow System for Workflow Management in Large Scale Biology Research Laboratories
LabFlowis a workflowmanagementsystem designed for large scale biologyresearch laboratories. It providesa workflowmodelin whichobjects flowfromtask to task under programmaticcontrol. Themodelsupportsparallelism, meaningthat an object can flowdownseveral paths simultaneously, and sub-workflowswhichcan be invokedsubroutine-style froma task. Thesystemallocates tasks to Unix processes to achieve requisite levels of multiprocessing. Thesystemuses the LabBasedata management systemto store workflow-stateandlaboratoryresults. LabFlowprovides a Perl5 object-oriented frameworkfor defining workflows,and an enginefor executingthese. The softwareis freely available.
Nathan Goodman, Steve Rozen, Lincoln Stein
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ISMB
Authors Nathan Goodman, Steve Rozen, Lincoln Stein
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