

Large classes of infinite k-cop-win graphs

14 years 1 months ago
Large classes of infinite k-cop-win graphs
While finite cop-win finite graphs possess a good structural characterization, none is known for infinite cop-win graphs. As evidence that such a characterization might not exist, we provide as large as possible classes of infinite graphs with finite cop number. More precisely, for each infinite cardinal κ and each positive integer k, we construct 2κ nonisomorphic k-cop-win graphs satisfying additional properties such as vertex-transitivity, or having universal endomorphism monoid and automorphism group.
Anthony Bonato, Gena Hahn, Claude Tardif
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JGT
Authors Anthony Bonato, Gena Hahn, Claude Tardif
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