

Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Compressed Fisher Vectors

14 years 5 months ago
Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Compressed Fisher Vectors
The problem of large-scale image search has been traditionally addressed with the bag-of-visual-words (BOV). In this article, we propose to use as an alternative the Fisher kernel framework. We first show why the Fisher representation is well-suited to the retrieval problem: it describes an image by what makes it different from other images. One drawback of the Fisher vector is that it is high-dimensional and, as opposed to the BOV, it is dense. The resulting memory and computational costs do not make Fisher vectors directly amenable to large-scale retrieval. Therefore, we compress Fisher vectors to reduce their memory footprint and speed-up the retrieval. We compare three binarization approaches: a simple approach devised for this representation and two standard compression techniques. We show on two publicly available datasets that compressed Fisher vectors perform very well using as little as a few hundreds of bits per image, and significantly better than a very recent compressed B...
Florent Perronnin, Yan Liu, Jorge Sanchez, Herve P
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Florent Perronnin, Yan Liu, Jorge Sanchez, Herve Poirier
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