

Late-binding: enabling unordered load-store queues

14 years 9 months ago
Late-binding: enabling unordered load-store queues
Conventional load/store queues (LSQs) are an impediment to both power-efficient execution in superscalar processors and scaling to large-window designs. In this paper, we propose techniques to improve the area and power efficiency of LSQs by allocating entries when instructions issue (“late binding”), rather than when they are dispatched. This approach enables lower occupancy and thus smaller LSQs. Efficient implementations of late-binding LSQs, however, require the entries in the LSQ to be unordered with respect to age. In this paper, we show how to provide full LSQ functionality in an unordered design with only small additional complexity and negligible performance losses. We show that latebinding, unordered LSQs work well for small-window superscalar processors, but can also be scaled effectively to large, kilo-window processors by breaking the LSQs into address-interleaved banks. To handle the increased overflows, we apply classic network flow control techniques to the pr...
Simha Sethumadhavan, Franziska Roesner, Joel S. Em
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ISCA
Authors Simha Sethumadhavan, Franziska Roesner, Joel S. Emer, Doug Burger, Stephen W. Keckler
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