

A Lattice-Based Approach to Computing Warranted Beliefs in Skeptical Argumentation Frameworks

14 years 4 months ago
A Lattice-Based Approach to Computing Warranted Beliefs in Skeptical Argumentation Frameworks
argumentation frameworks have played a major role as a way of understanding argumentbased inference, resulting in different argumentbased semantics. In order to make such semantics computationally attractive, suitable proof procedures are required, in which a search space of arguments is examined to find out which arguments are warranted or ultimately acceptable. This paper introduces a novel approach to model warrant ion in a skeptical abstract argumentation framework. We show that such search space can be defined as a lattice, and illustrate how the so-called dialectical constraints can play a role for guiding the efficient computation of warranted arguments.
Carlos Iván Chesñevar, Guillermo Ric
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Carlos Iván Chesñevar, Guillermo Ricardo Simari
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