

Laughing out loud: control for modeling anatomically inspired laughter using audio

14 years 10 days ago
Laughing out loud: control for modeling anatomically inspired laughter using audio
We present a novel technique for generating animation of laughter for a character. Our approach utilizes an anatomically inspired, physics-based model of a human torso that includes a mix of rigidbody and deformable components and is driven by Hill-type muscles. We propose a hierarchical control method which synthesizes laughter from a simple set of input signals. In addition, we present a method for automatically creating an animation from a soundtrack of an individual laughing. We show examples of laugh animations generated by hand-selected input parameters and by our audio-driven optimization approach. We also include results for other behaviors created using the same model, including a cough and a sneeze. These animations demonstrate the range of possible motions that can be generated using the proposed system. We compare our technique with both data-driven and procedural animations of laughter. CR Categories: I.3.1 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism--Anim...
Paul C. DiLorenzo, Victor B. Zordan, Benjamin L. S
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TOG
Authors Paul C. DiLorenzo, Victor B. Zordan, Benjamin L. Sanders
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