

Launching Multi-modal Interaction on an EC-Site

14 years 6 months ago
Launching Multi-modal Interaction on an EC-Site
In this paper we address the weaknesses of current EC applications related to their lack of support for the customer to recognize other people, either other customers or vendors on a specific site, and to communicate with them when desired. We argue that, as electronic commerce grows more popular, there will be an increasing need for more sophisticated application software capable of both handling business transactions 24 hours a day and facilitating interactive, contextsensitive communication on request. We aim to highlight the importance of awareness in the interaction between and among customers and suppliers in producing, delivering, and shopping for goods and services. Alternative views on awareness facilities as platforms for high, but manageable levels of interactivity in EC are analyzed. We will also point out the implications of this facility in forming, for example, customer communities. A platform supporting awareness and launching communication will be presented, and the i...
Samuli Pekkola, Jukka Heikkilä, Virpi Kristii
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Samuli Pekkola, Jukka Heikkilä, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen
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