

Layering Social Interaction Scenarios on Environmental Simulation

14 years 5 months ago
Layering Social Interaction Scenarios on Environmental Simulation
For an integrated simulation such as the natural environment affected by human society, it is indispensable to provide an integrated simulator that incorporates multiple computational models. We proposed a multi-layer socio-environmental simulation by layering the social interaction scenario on environmental simulation. For this simulation, we connect two different systems. One is a scenario description language Q, which is suitable for describing social interactions. Another is CORMAS, which models interactions between a natural environment and humans. The key idea is to realize a mapping between agents in different systems. This integration becomes possible by the salient feature of Q: users can write scenarios for controlling legacy agents in other systems. Moreover, we find that controlling the flow of information between the two systems can create various types of simulations. We also confirm the capability of CORMAS/Q, in the well-known Fire-Fighter domain.
Daisuke Torii, Toru Ishida, Stéphane Bonnea
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where MABS
Authors Daisuke Torii, Toru Ishida, Stéphane Bonneaud, Alexis Drogoul
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