

Learnability of Probabilistic Automata via Oracles

14 years 9 months ago
Learnability of Probabilistic Automata via Oracles
Efficient learnability using the state merging algorithm is known for a subclass of probabilistic automata termed µ-distinguishable. In this paper, we prove that state merging algorithms can be extended to efficiently learn a larger class of automata. In particular, we show learnability of a subclass which we call µ2-distinguishable. Using an analog of the Myhill-Nerode theorem for probabilistic automata, we analyze µ-distinguishability and generalize it to µp-distinguishability. By combining new results from property testing with the state merging algorithm we obtain KL-PAC learnability of the new automata class. Our research hints at closer connections between property testing and probabilistic automata learning and leads to very interesting open problems.
Omri Guttman, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Robert C. Wil
Added 14 Mar 2010
Updated 14 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ALT
Authors Omri Guttman, S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Robert C. Williamson
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