

Learning and Recognition of Hand-Drawn Shapes Using Generative Genetic Programming

14 years 6 months ago
Learning and Recognition of Hand-Drawn Shapes Using Generative Genetic Programming
We describe a novel method of evolutionary visual learning that uses generative approach for assessing learner’s ability to recognize image contents. Each learner, implemented as a genetic programming individual, processes visual primitives that represent local salient features derived from a raw input raster image. In response to that input, the learner produces partial reproduction of the input image, and is evaluated according to the quality of that reproduction. We present the method in detail and verify it experimentally on the real-world task of recognition of hand-drawn shapes.
Wojciech Jaskowski, Krzysztof Krawiec, Bartosz Wie
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where EVOW
Authors Wojciech Jaskowski, Krzysztof Krawiec, Bartosz Wieloch
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