

Learning Features for Tracking

15 years 2 months ago
Learning Features for Tracking
We treat tracking as a matching problem of detected keypoints between successive frames. The novelty of this paper is to learn classifier-based keypoint descriptions allowing to incorporate background information. Contrary to existing approaches, we are able to start tracking of the object from scratch requiring no off-line training phase before tracking. The tracker is initialized by a region of interest in the first frame. Afterwards an on-line boosting technique is used for learning descriptions of detected keypoints lying within the region of interest. New frames provide new samples for updating the classifiers which increases their stability. A simple mechanism incorporates temporal information for selecting stable features. In order to ensure correct updates a verification step based on estimating homographies using RANSAC is performed. The approach can be used for real-time applications since on-line updating and evaluating classifiers can be done efficiently.
Michael Grabner, Helmut Grabner, Horst Bischof
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CVPR
Authors Michael Grabner, Helmut Grabner, Horst Bischof
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