

Learning Full Pairwise Affinities for Spectral Segmentation

14 years 12 months ago
Learning Full Pairwise Affinities for Spectral Segmentation
This paper studies the problem of learning a full range of pairwise affinities gained by integrating local grouping cues for spectral segmentation. The overall quality of the spectral segmentation depends mainly on the pairwise pixel affinities. By employing a semi-supervised learning technique, optimal affinities are learnt from the test image without iteration. We first construct a multi-layer graph with pixels and regions, generated by the mean shift algorithm, as nodes. By applying the semi-supervised learning strategy to this graph, we can estimate the intra- and inter-layer affinities between all pairs of nodes together. These pairwise affinities are then used to simultaneously cluster all pixel and region nodes into visually coherent groups across all layers in a single multi-layer framework of Normalized Cuts. Our algorithm provides high-quality segmentations with object details by directly incorporating the full range connections in the spectral framework. Since the full affin...
Tae Hoon Kim (Seoul National University), Kyoung M
Added 01 Apr 2010
Updated 14 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Tae Hoon Kim (Seoul National University), Kyoung Mu Lee (Seoul National University), Sang Uk Lee (Seoul National University)
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