

Learning with Global Cost in Stochastic Environments

13 years 12 months ago
Learning with Global Cost in Stochastic Environments
We consider an online learning setting where at each time step the decision maker has to choose how to distribute the future loss between k alternatives, and then observes the loss of each alternative, where the losses are assumed to come from a joint distribution. Motivated by load balancing and job scheduling, we consider a global cost function (over the losses incurred by each alternative), rather than a summation of the instantaneous losses as done traditionally in online learning. Specifically, we consider the global cost functions: (1) the makespan (the maximum over the alternatives) and
Eyal Even-Dar, Shie Mannor, Yishay Mansour
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where COLT
Authors Eyal Even-Dar, Shie Mannor, Yishay Mansour
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