

Learning Inclusion-Optimal Chordal Graphs

14 years 4 months ago
Learning Inclusion-Optimal Chordal Graphs
Chordal graphs can be used to encode dependency models that are representable by both directed acyclic and undirected graphs. This paper discusses a very simple and efficient algorithm to learn the chordal structure of a probabilistic model from data. The algorithm is a greedy hillclimbing search algorithm that uses the inclusion boundary neighborhood over chordal graphs. In the limit of a large sample size and under appropriate hypotheses on the scoring criterion, we prove that the algorithm will find a structure that is inclusion-optimal when the dependency model of the data-generating distribution can be represented exactly by an undirected graph. The algorithm is evaluated on simulated datasets.
Vincent Auvray, Louis Wehenkel
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where UAI
Authors Vincent Auvray, Louis Wehenkel
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