

Learning Iterative Image Reconstruction

14 years 1 months ago
Learning Iterative Image Reconstruction
Successful image reconstruction requires the recognition of a scene and the generation of a clean image of that scene. We propose to use recurrent neural networks for both analysis and synthesis. The networks have a hierarchical architecture that represents images in multiple scales with different of abstraction. The mapping between these representations is mediated by a local connection structure. We supply the networks with degraded images and train them to reconstruct the originals iteratively. This iterative reconstruction makes it possible to use partial results as context information to resolve ambiguities. We demonstrate the power of the approach using three examples: superresolution, fill in of occluded parts, and noise removal / contrast enhancement.
Sven Behnke
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Sven Behnke
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