

Learning Probabilistic Distribution Model for Multi-View Face Detection

15 years 2 months ago
Learning Probabilistic Distribution Model for Multi-View Face Detection
Modeling subspaces of a distribution of interest in high dimensional spaces is a challenging problem in pattern analysis. In this paper, we present a novel framework for pose invariant face detection through multi-view face distribution modeling. The approach is aimed to learn a set of low-dimensional subspaces from an originally nonlinear distribution by using the mixtures of probabilistic PCA [16]. From the experiments, we found the learned PPCA models are of low dimensionality and exhibit high local linearity, and consequently offer an efficient representation for visual recognition. The model is then used to extract features and select "representative" negative training samples. Multi-view face detection is performed in the derived feature space by classifying each face into one of the view classes or into the nonface class, by using a multi-class SVM array classifier. The classification results from each view are fused together and yields the final classification result...
Lie Gu, Stan Z. Li, HongJiang Zhang
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 29 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where CVPR
Authors Lie Gu, Stan Z. Li, HongJiang Zhang
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