

Learning Routing Queries in a Query Zone

14 years 4 months ago
Learning Routing Queries in a Query Zone
Word usage is domain dependent. A common word in one domain can be quite infrequent in another. In this study we exploit this property of word usage to improve document routing. We show that routing queries (pro les) learned only from the documents in a query domain are better than the routing pro les learned when query domains are not used. We approximate a query domain by a query zone. Experiments show that routing pro les learned from a query zone are 8{12% more e ective than the pro les generated when no query zoning is used. 1 Background Document routing is an important problem in the eld of information retrieval. 12] When a user has marked several articles as relevant to his/her information need, a system should be able to automatically learn the user's \pro le" and should be able to route (send) new, potentially interesting, articles to the user. This problem has also been called as selective dissemination of information or information ltering. 4] Most current state o...
Amit Singhal, Mandar Mitra, Chris Buckley
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Amit Singhal, Mandar Mitra, Chris Buckley
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