

Learning Useful Horn Approximations

14 years 4 months ago
Learning Useful Horn Approximations
While the task of answering queries from an arbitrary propositional theory is intractable in general, it can typicallybe performed e ciently if the theory is Horn. This suggests that it may be more e cient to answer queries using a \Horn approximation"; i.e., a horn theory that is semantically similar to the original theory. The utility of any such approximation depends on how often it produces answers to the queries thatthe systemactuallyencounters; we therefore seek an approximation whose expected \coverage" is maximal. Unfortunately, there are several obstacles to achievingthis goal in practice: (i) The optimal approximation depends on the query distribution, which is typicallynotknowna priori;(ii) identifyingthe optimal approximation is intractable, even given the query distribution; and (iii) the optimalapproximation might be too large to guarantee tractable inference. This paper presents an approach that overcomes (or side-steps) each of these obstacles. We de ne a lea...
Russell Greiner, Dale Schuurmans
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where KR
Authors Russell Greiner, Dale Schuurmans
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