

Legion - A View from 50, 000 Feet

14 years 4 months ago
Legion - A View from 50, 000 Feet
' The coming of giga-bit networks makes possible the realization ofa single nationwide virtual computer comprised of a variety of geographically distributed highpe6ormance machines and workstations. To realize the potential that the physical infrastructure provides, software must be developed that is easy to use, supports large degrees of parallelism in applications code, and manages the complexity of the underlyingphysical system for the usel: Legion is a metasystem project at the University of Virginiadesigned to provide users with a transparent intelface to the available resources, both at the programming interface level as well as at the user level. Legion addresses issues such as parallelism, fault-tolerance, security, autonomy, heterogeneity, resource management, and access transparency in a multi-language environment. In this paper we present a high-level overview of Legion, its vision, objectives, a brief sketch of how some of those objectives will be met, and the current ...
Andrew S. Grimshaw, William A. Wulf
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where HPDC
Authors Andrew S. Grimshaw, William A. Wulf
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