

LIFE-SHARE Project: Developing a Digitisation Strategy Toolkit

13 years 10 months ago
LIFE-SHARE Project: Developing a Digitisation Strategy Toolkit
This poster will outline the Digitisation Strategy Toolkit created as part of the LIFE-SHARE project. The toolkit is based on the lifecycle model created by the LIFE project and explores the creation, acquisition, ingest, preservation (bit-stream and content) and access requirements for a digitisation strategy. This covers the policies and infrastructure required in libraries to establish successful practices. The toolkit also provides both internal and external resources to support the service. This poster will illustrate how the toolkit works effectively to support digitisation with examples from three case studies at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York.
Beccy Shipman, Matthew Herring, Ned Potter, Bo Mid
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Beccy Shipman, Matthew Herring, Ned Potter, Bo Middleton
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