

Light-Weight Distributed Web Interfaces: Preparing the Web for Heterogeneous Environments

14 years 7 months ago
Light-Weight Distributed Web Interfaces: Preparing the Web for Heterogeneous Environments
Abstract. In this paper we show an approach that allows web interfaces to dynamically distribute among several interconnected heterogeneous devices in an environment to support the tasks and activities the user performs. This will be accomplished by providing a light-weight HTTP-based daemon that is aware of the user’s environment and that can distribute a web page according to a set of profiles. These profiles can be obtained automatically by means of a discovery protocol or provided manually. Compared to a traditional HTTP daemon, our implementation offers a platform to expose the interface of native applications in a pervasive environment. To support this, a native application describes the service types it offers by means of RelaxNG schemas. This paper demonstrates how this schema language provides the necessary information to generate a web interface while taking certain constraints into account.
Chris Vandervelpen, Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICWE
Authors Chris Vandervelpen, Geert Vanderhulst, Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx
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