

LightUp: a low-cost, multi-age toolkit for learning and prototyping electronics

13 years 4 months ago
LightUp: a low-cost, multi-age toolkit for learning and prototyping electronics
LightUp is a constructionist platform to teach novices about electronics, and also a low-cost rapid-prototyping platform for more advanced users. The LightUp kit contains many basic electronic components attached to magnetic building blocks and a connection base. Various project-based educational materials are also included. Initially designed as an interactive and transparent learning tool, the concept behind LightUp is to provide a “low threshold, high ceiling” learning experience for self-motivated individuals who want to better understand the complex electronics inside the devices they rely on every day. In addition, LightUp also serves as a user friendly, low-cost prototyping tool for people who do not have a strong engineering background but still want to build electronic circuits. This paper gives an overview of the LightUp platform, the construction process and future developments and implementations. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Pre...
Zain Asgar, Joshua Chan, Chang Liu, Paulo Blikstei
Added 24 Aug 2011
Updated 24 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Zain Asgar, Joshua Chan, Chang Liu, Paulo Blikstein
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