

Line-of-sight networks

14 years 3 months ago
Line-of-sight networks
Random geometric graphs have been one of the fundamental models for reasoning about wireless networks: one places n points at random in a region of the plane (typically a square or circle), and then connects pairs of points by an edge if they are within a fixed distance of one another. In addition to giving rise to a range of basic theoretical questions, this class of random graphs has been a central analytical tool in the wireless networking community. For many of the primary applications of wireless networks, however, the underlying environment has a large number of obstacles, and communication can only take place among nodes when they are close in space and when they have line-of-sight access to one another — consider, for example, urban settings or large indoor environments. In such domains, the standard model of random geometric graphs is not a good approximation of the true constraints, since it is not designed to capture the line-of-sight restrictions. Here we propose a rand...
Alan M. Frieze, Jon M. Kleinberg, R. Ravi, Warren
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where SODA
Authors Alan M. Frieze, Jon M. Kleinberg, R. Ravi, Warren Debany
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