

Linear Bandwidth Naccache-Stern Encryption

14 years 1 months ago
Linear Bandwidth Naccache-Stern Encryption
Abstract. The Naccache-Stern (ns) knapsack cryptosystem is an original yet little-known public-key encryption scheme. In this scheme, the ciphertext is obtained by multiplying public-keys indexed by the message bits modulo a prime p. The cleartext is recovered by factoring the ciphertext raised to a secret power modulo p. ns encryption requires a multiplication per two plaintext bits on the average. Decryption is roughly as costly as an rsa decryption. However, ns features a bandwidth sublinear in log p, namely log p/ log log p. As an example, for a 2048-bit prime p, ns encryption features a 233-bit bandwidth for a 59-kilobyte public key size. This paper presents new ns variants achieving bandwidths linear in log p. As linear bandwidth claims a public-key of size log3 p/ log log p, we recommend to combine our scheme with other bandwidth optimization techniques presented here. For a 2048-bit prime p, we obtain figures such as 169-bit plaintext for a 10-kilobyte public key, 255-bit plain...
Benoît Chevallier-Mames, David Naccache, Jac
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where SCN
Authors Benoît Chevallier-Mames, David Naccache, Jacques Stern
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