

Linearly Used Effects: Monadic and CPS Transformations into the Linear Lambda Calculus

14 years 4 months ago
Linearly Used Effects: Monadic and CPS Transformations into the Linear Lambda Calculus
Abstract. We propose a semantic and syntactic framework for modelling linearly used effects, by giving the monadic transforms of the computational lambda calculus (considered as the core calculus of typed call-by-value programming languages) into the linear lambda calculus. As an instance Berdine et al.'s work on linearly used continuations can be put in this general picture. As a technical result we show the full completeness of the CPS transform into the linear lambda calculus.
Masahito Hasegawa
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Masahito Hasegawa
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