

Live editing of hypermedia documents

14 years 6 months ago
Live editing of hypermedia documents
In some hypermedia system applications, like interactive digital TV applications, authoring and presentation of documents may have to be done concomitantly. This is the case of live programs, where not only some contents are not known a priori, but also some temporal and spatial relationships, among program media objects, may have to be established after the unknown content definition. This paper proposes a method for hypermedia document live editing, preserving not only the presentation semantics but also the logical structure semantics defined by an author. To validate this proposal, an implementation has been done for the Brazilian Digital TV System, which is also presented. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.7.2 [Document Preparation]: Markup languages, Languages and systems, Hypertext/hypermedia. General Terms Standardization, Languages. Keywords NCL, Interactive Digital TV, SBTVD, declarative middleware, Ginga.
Romualdo Monteiro de Resende Costa, Márcio
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Romualdo Monteiro de Resende Costa, Márcio Ferreira Moreno, Rogério Ferreira Rodrigues, Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares
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