

Liver Segmentation Using Sparse 3D Prior Models with Optimal Data Support

15 years 1 months ago
Liver Segmentation Using Sparse 3D Prior Models with Optimal Data Support
Abstract. Volume segmentation is a relatively slow process and, in certain circumstances, the enormous amount of prior knowledge available is underused. Model-based liver segmentation suffers from the large shape variability of this organ, and from structures of similar appearance that juxtapose the liver. The technique presented in this paper is devoted to combine a statistical analysis of the data with a reconstruction model from sparse information: only the most reliable information in the image is used, and the rest of the liver's shape is inferred from the model and the sparse observation. The resulting process is more efficient than standard segmentation since most of the workload is concentrated on the critical points, but also more robust, since the interpolated volume is consistent with the prior knowledge statistics. The experimental results on liver datasets prove the sparse information model has the same potential as PCA, if not better, to represent the shape of the li...
Charles Florin, Nikos Paragios, Gareth Funka-Lea,
Added 16 Nov 2009
Updated 16 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IPMI
Authors Charles Florin, Nikos Paragios, Gareth Funka-Lea, James Williams
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