

Load Unbalance in k-ary n-Cube Networks

14 years 5 months ago
Load Unbalance in k-ary n-Cube Networks
This paper studies the effect that HOL (Head-of-Line) blocking in the packet injection queue has on the performance of bidirectional k-ary ncubes, for values of k over a certain threshold (around 20). The HOL blocking causes an unbalanced use of the channels corresponding to the two directions of bidirectional links, which is responsible for a drop in the network throughput and a rise in the network delay. Simulation results show that this anomaly only appears in those rings where most injections are performed (normally, those in the X axis), and that the elimination of the HOL blocking in the injection queue enables the network to sustain peak throughput after saturation.
José Miguel-Alonso, José A. Gregorio
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors José Miguel-Alonso, José A. Gregorio, Valentin Puente, Fernando Vallejo, Ramón Beivide
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