

Local Computation of Nearly Additive Spanners

14 years 7 months ago
Local Computation of Nearly Additive Spanners
Abstract. An (α, β)-spanner of a graph G is a subgraph H that approximates distances in G within a multiplicative factor α and an additive error β, ensuring that for any two nodes u, v, dH(u, v) ≤ α·dG(u, v)+ β. This paper concerns algorithms for the distributed deterministic construction of a sparse (α, β)-spanner H for a given graph G and distortion parameters α and β. It first presents a generic distributed algorithm that in constant number of rounds constructs, for every n-node graph and integer k ≥ 1, an (α, β)-spanner of O(βn1+1/k ) edges, where α and β are constants depending on k. For suitable parameters, this algorithm provides a (2k − 1, 0)-spanner of at most kn1+1/k edges in k rounds, matching the performances of the best known distributed algorithm by Derbel et al. (PODC ’08). For k = 2 and constant ε > 0, it can also produce a (1 + ε, 2 − ε)-spanner of O(n3/2 ) edges in constant time. More interestingly, for every integer k > 1, it can c...
Bilel Derbel, Cyril Gavoille, David Peleg, Laurent
Added 27 Jul 2010
Updated 27 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where WDAG
Authors Bilel Derbel, Cyril Gavoille, David Peleg, Laurent Viennot
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