

Localization of Simultaneous Moving Sound Sources for Mobile Robot Using a Frequency-Domain Steered Beamformer Approach

8 years 11 months ago
Localization of Simultaneous Moving Sound Sources for Mobile Robot Using a Frequency-Domain Steered Beamformer Approach
— Mobile robots in real-life settings would benefit from being able to localize sound sources. Such a capability can nicely complement vision to help localize a person or an interesting event in the environment, and also to provide enhanced processing for other capabilities such as speech recognition. In this paper we present a robust sound source localization method in three-dimensional space using an array of 8 microphones. The method is based on a frequency-domain implementation of a steered beamformer along with a probabilistic post-processor. Results show that a mobile robot can localize in real time multiple moving sources of different types over a range of 5 meters with a response time of 200 ms.
Jean-Marc Valin, François Michaud, Brahim H
Added 31 Mar 2016
Updated 31 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where CORR
Authors Jean-Marc Valin, François Michaud, Brahim Hadjou, Jean Rouat
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