

Localization in underwater dispersive channels using the time-frequency-phase continuity of signals

13 years 8 months ago
Localization in underwater dispersive channels using the time-frequency-phase continuity of signals
Time-frequency representations constitute the main tool for analysis of nonstationary signals arising in real-life systems. One of the most challenging applications of time-frequency representations deal with the analysis of the underwater acoustic signals. Recently, the interest for dispersive channels increased mainly due to the presence of the wide band nonlinear effect at very low frequencies. That is, if we intend to establish an underwater communication link at low frequencies, the dispersion phenomenon has to be taken into account. In such conditions, the application of the conventional time-frequency tools could be a difficult task, mainly because of the nonlinearity and the closeness of the time-frequency components of the impulse response. Moreover, the channel being unknown, any assumption about the instantaneous frequency laws characterizing the channel could not be approximate. In this paper, we introduce a new time-frequency analysis tool that aims to extract the time-fre...
Cornel Ioana, Arnaud Jarrot, Cedric Gervaise, Yann
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSP
Authors Cornel Ioana, Arnaud Jarrot, Cedric Gervaise, Yann Stéphan, André Quinquis
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