

Localized techniques for broadcasting in wireless sensor networks

14 years 7 months ago
Localized techniques for broadcasting in wireless sensor networks
We present three localized techniques for broadcasting in large scale ad hoc networks, i.e., for the problem of disseminating a message from a source node to all the nodes in the networks. Aim of the proposed techniques is to define broadcasting mechanisms that are simple, thus generating low overhead, energy efficient, for deployment in resourceconstrained networks, and reliable, in that all the nodes receive the intended message with high probability. The three techniques follow two different approaches for data dissemination. The first approach relies on the idea of identifying local rules for the sparsification of the network topologies. The resulting virtual topology is the actual structure through which broadcast is performed. While sparsification techniques have been proposed before, our solution makes no use of location information. The second approach follows the line of on-line algorithms for the implementation of probabilistic flooding. In this case, the proposed algo...
Lorenzo Orecchia, Alessandro Panconesi, Chiara Pet
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Lorenzo Orecchia, Alessandro Panconesi, Chiara Petrioli, Andrea Vitaletti
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