

Locomotion Mode Affects the Updating of Objects Encountered During Travel: The Contribution of Vestibular and Proprioceptive Inp

14 years 18 days ago
Locomotion Mode Affects the Updating of Objects Encountered During Travel: The Contribution of Vestibular and Proprioceptive Inp
In two experiments, subjects traveled through virtual mazes, encountering target objects along the way. Their task was to indicate the direction to these target objects from a terminal location in the maze (from which the objects could no longer be seen). Subjects controlled their motion through the mazes using three locomotion modes. In the Walk mode, subjects walked normally in the experimental room. For each subject, body position and heading were tracked, and the tracking information was used to continuously update the visual imagery presented to the subjects on a head-mounted display. This process created the impression of immersion in the experimental maze. In the Visual Turn mode subjects moved through the environment using a joystick to control their turning. The only sensory information subjects received about rotation and translation was that provided by the computer-generated imagery. The Real Turn mode was midway between the other two modes, in that subjects physically tur...
Sarah S. Chance, Florence Gaunet, Andrew C. Beall,
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Sarah S. Chance, Florence Gaunet, Andrew C. Beall, Jack M. Loomis
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