

Log-aesthetic space curve segments

14 years 8 months ago
Log-aesthetic space curve segments
For designing aesthetic surfaces, such as the car bodies, it is very important to use aesthetic curves as characteristic lines. In such curves, the curvature should be monotonically varying, since it dominates the distortion of reected images on curved surfaces. In this paper, we present an interactive control method of log-aesthetic space curves. We dene log-aesthetic space curves to be curves whose logarithmic curvature and torsion graphs are both linear. The linearity of these graphs constrains that the curvature and torsion are monotonically varying. We clarify the characteristics of log-aesthetic space curves and identify their family. Moreover, we present a novel method for drawing a logaesthetic space curve segment by specifying two endpoints, their tangents, the slopes, α and β, of straight lines of the logarithmic curvature and torsion graphs, and the torsion parameter Ω. Our implementation shows that log-aesthetic curve segments can be controlled fully interactively. C...
Norimasa Yoshida, Ryo Fukuda, Takafumi Saito
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SMA
Authors Norimasa Yoshida, Ryo Fukuda, Takafumi Saito
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