

LogCLEF 2009: The CLEF 2009 Multilingual Logfile Analysis Track Overview

14 years 1 months ago
LogCLEF 2009: The CLEF 2009 Multilingual Logfile Analysis Track Overview
Log data constitute a relevant aspect in the evaluation process of the quality of a search engine and the quality of a multilingual search service; log data can be used to study the usage of a search engine, and to better adapt it to the objectives the users were expecting to reach. The interest in multilingual log analysis was promoted by the Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) for the first time with a track named LogCLEF. LogCLEF is an evaluation initiative for the analysis of queries and other logged activities as expression of user behavior. The goal is the analysis and classification of queries in order to understand search behavior in multilingual contexts and ultimately to improve search systems. Two tasks were defined: Log Analysis and Geographic Query Identification (LAGI) and Log Analysis for Digital Societies (LADS). Five groups using a variety of approaches submitted experiments. The data for the track, the evaluation methodology and some results are presented. Categor...
Thomas Mandl, Maristella Agosti, Giorgio Maria Di
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CLEF
Authors Thomas Mandl, Maristella Agosti, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Alexander S. Yeh, Inderjeet Mani, Christine Doran, Julia Maria Schulz
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