

Logic and Databases

14 years 4 months ago
Logic and Databases
Logic and databases have gone a long way together since the advent of relational databases. Already the rst basic query languages for relational databases beside relational algebra - tuple calculus and domain calculus - are actually a subset of rst order predicate logic. Furthermore logic proved to be very adequate for establishing a sound theory for relational databases. When attempts were made to integrate AI and database technology in form of expert database systems or knowledge base management systems logic provided a unifying framework although several di erences in the use of logic in the both elds have been discovered. The con uence of logic programming and databases triggered deductive databases as new area of research. In this overview paper we will discuss shortly the relationship between relational databases and logic and present the possibilities for coupling Prolog with databases. The main part of this paper concentrates on deductive databases, in particular on the databas...
Johann Eder
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where AC
Authors Johann Eder
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