

Logic-based outer approximation for globally optimal synthesis of process networks

14 years 10 days ago
Logic-based outer approximation for globally optimal synthesis of process networks
Process network problems can be formulated as Generalized Disjunctive Programs where a logicbased representation is used to deal with the discrete and continuous decisions. A new deterministic algorithm for the global optimization of process networks is presented in this work. The proposed algorithm, which does not rely on spatial branch-and-bound, is based on the LogicBased Outer Approximation that exploits the special structure of flowsheet synthesis models. The method is capable of considering nonconvexities, while guaranteeing globality in the solution of an optimal synthesis of process network problem. This is accomplished by solving iteratively reduced NLP subproblems to global optimality and MILP master problems, which are valid outer approximations of the original problem. Piecewise linear under and overestimators for bilinear and concave terms have been constructed with the property of having zero gap in a finite set of points. The global optimization of the reduced NLP may b...
María Lorena Bergamini, Pío A. Aguir
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Where CCE
Authors María Lorena Bergamini, Pío A. Aguirre, Ignacio E. Grossmann
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