Abstract. The growing size of electronically available text corpora like companies’ intranets or the WWW has made information access a hot topic within computational linguistics. Despite the success of statistical or keyword based methods, deeper knowledge representation (KR) techniques along with “inference” are often mentioned as mandatory, e.g. within the Semantic Web context, to enable e.g. better query answering based on “semantical” information. In this paper we try to contribute to the open question how to operationalize semantic information on a larger scale. As a basis to represent background knowledge we take the frame structures of the Berkeley FrameNet II project, which provides both a KR language and a knowledge base filled with a non-trivial fragment of English. Our main contribution is a transformation of the FrameNet II frames into the answer set programming paradigm of logic programming. Because the rˆole of “inference” is hard to pin down in the contex...