

Logical systems for structured specifications

14 years 2 months ago
Logical systems for structured specifications
We study proof systems for reasoning about logical consequences and refinement of structured specifications, based on similar systems proposed earlier in the literature [ST 88, Wir 91]. Following Goguen and Burstall, the notion of an underlying logical system over which we build specifications is formalized as an institution and extended to a more general notion, called (D, T )-institution. We show that under simple assumptions (essentially: amalgamation and interpolation) the proposed proof systems are sound and complete. The completeness proofs are inspired by proofs due to M. V. Cengarle (see [Cen 94]) for specifications in first-order logic and the logical systems for reasoning about them. We then propose a methodology for reusing proof systems built over institutions rich enough to satisfy the properties required for the completeness results for specifications built over poorer institutions where these properties need not hold.
Tomasz Borzyszkowski
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TCS
Authors Tomasz Borzyszkowski
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