

Logistic Stick-Breaking Process

13 years 7 months ago
Logistic Stick-Breaking Process
A logistic stick-breaking process (LSBP) is proposed for non-parametric clustering of general spatially- or temporally-dependent data, imposing the belief that proximate data are more likely to be clustered together. The sticks in the LSBP are realized via multiple logistic regression functions, with shrinkage priors employed to favor contiguous and spatially localized segments. The LSBP is also extended for the simultaneous processing of multiple data sets, yielding a hierarchical logistic stick-breaking process (H-LSBP). The model parameters (atoms) within the H-LSBP are shared across the multiple learning tasks. Efficient variational Bayesian inference is derived, and comparisons are made to related techniques in the literature. Experimental analysis is performed for audio waveforms and images, and it is demonstrated that for segmentation applications the LSBP yields generally homogeneous segments with sharp boundaries.
Lu Ren, Lan Du, Lawrence Carin, David B. Dunson
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where JMLR
Authors Lu Ren, Lan Du, Lawrence Carin, David B. Dunson
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