

Logspace Versions of the Theorems of Bodlaender and Courcelle

14 years 2 months ago
Logspace Versions of the Theorems of Bodlaender and Courcelle
Bodlaender’s Theorem states that for every k there is a linear-time algorithm that decides whether an input graph has tree width k and, if so, computes a width-k tree composition. Courcelle’s Theorem builds on Bodlaender’s Theorem and states that for every monadic second-order formula φ and for every k there is a linear-time algorithm that decides whether a given logical structure A of tree width at most k satisfies φ. We prove that both theorems still hold when “linear time” is replaced by “logarithmic space.” The transfer of the powerful theoretical framework of monadic second-order logic and bounded tree width to logarithmic space allows us to settle a number of both old and recent open problems in the logspace world.
Michael Elberfeld, Andreas Jakoby, Till Tantau
Added 25 Jan 2011
Updated 25 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ECCC
Authors Michael Elberfeld, Andreas Jakoby, Till Tantau
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